
Reflecting on everyday life in a few words.


April 10, 2024 — Personal News

Oops I did it again… updated my personal webpage. Credits to Onur Çoban for the inspiration.

New chapter

October 12, 2023 — Personal News

Starting a new job as a product designer. Will it be as fulfilling as I hope it to be? Who knows. For now, it feels like the perfect match.

And it will certainly open new doors in the future, in a field I feel so deeply connected to.

Color palette

August 14, 2023 — Personal News

On this blog, my website and other personal documents, I’m currently using this color palette: a slightly-off white for background, a dark green-black for text and moss-grey for sub-text, and a bright orange for interaction.

I let the orange start with .5 opacity for dynamic/animation. The palette also works in dark mode by flipping ‘text’ and ‘background’ color.

Personal webpage

August 10, 2023 — Personal News

Reviewed and redesigned my personal webpage to a much more minimalistic approach. Pure HTML and CSS.

Reducing clutter and removing features — it’s liberating.